1.- Choose the food you like and want to cook.
Alibérico Packaging located in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, signed recently all the agreements with its main European customers, which include leading dessert and dairy manufacturers worldwide: an extended list of food companies, faithful to the high quality packaging of Palco®. Thanks to the efforts and innovation undertaken consistently at the factory of Alcalá de Henares, the company closed a year of global economic crisis with even more customers than previous years. Food leading producers, and now, large national and international distributors, are day by day increasingtheir commitment to our high quality packaging brand, Palco®.
Road from Alcalá de Henares to Daganzo, km 4, 600 · 28806
Alcalá de Henares · Madrid · Spain
T. +34 911 045 050 · Email: info@alibericopackaging.com
Alcalá de Henares · Madrid · Spain
T. +34 911 045 050 · Email: info@alibericopackaging.com