In an increasingly populated world where there are fewer and fewer resources due to their overexploitation, it is essential to implement all necessary measures to try to make better use of natural resources. For this reason, recycling is of vital importance for the long-term sustainable development of our natural environment, giving us a better future.

Betting on recycling is synonymous with commitment to the environment, to the future and to people, because the process involves investing in industry and innovation, which translates into the creation of stable jobs and therefore contribute to economic growth and social wealth where we all benefit.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is a leader in the manufacture of semi-rigid aluminium containers for the food sector and has developed and implemented an internal system of total utilization of the surplus in the production process, that means, the factory generates « 0 waste ». This allows us to participate in the circular economy by having an integral process.

Aluminium is a noble metal that has a long-life cycle, it is one of the few 100% recyclable materials that does not lose any of its properties during the recycling process and this implies that it is a material that « feeds itself », that means, it has a perfect circular economy, because both the containers that have already been used and recycled, as well as the surplus material during the manufacturing process, are pressed, packaged and re-melted to give it a new application (SDG 8 and 13). Thanks to the pressing and baling process of surplus material, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING reduces the space occupied during transportation and pollutant gas emissions (SDGs 11 and 12).

This is one of the differential advantages of ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING that allows the company to take advantage of and reuse all the material. A gesture as simple as recycling the packaging of ready meals, desserts or frozen foods by taking them to the correct container, this responsibility extends the life of aluminium and improves the sustainability of the planet, creating a better future.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, an essential and strategic company for Spain, is committed to a more sustainable planet.