Since last March, on the issue of the crisis caused by COVID-19, the economy and society have been seriously affected. Many people have had to turn to organizations that ensure that everyone has access to basic goods.
Faced with this situation, and through the CEOE Foundation, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING has not hesitated to collaborate in solidarity and has donated more than 200 rolls of aluminium and 140,000 food containers to three NGOs to help the neediest people and ensure that the meals they offer are kept in perfect condition and can be served and transported easily.
« Un inicio para todos« , an association that helps young people in vulnerable situations, « Fundación hospitalaria de la orden de Malta » which was created to help groups in need of special attention and « Fundación Altius » which was created to help those affected by the lack of employment, have all been very grateful for the donation.
ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING takes care of people with advanced solutions in aluminium. It is committed to the eradication of poverty (SDG 1), the fight against hunger (SDG 2) and health and well-being (SDG 3).