Given the situation we are living and the new restrictions that are being imposed in most communities and cities in the country, we must be responsible, take care and avoid further worsening the situation.
This doesn’t mean that we should set aside those who are having a hard time. Let’s support the catering industry, a key pillar in our daily lives. Now more than ever, with ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING containers, we can transport food to our home, work offices, eat outdoors… With ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING aluminum containers, you can transport all the food you want. Order it or pick it up comfortably, the content is safe, the containers have all the conditions to keep our food in perfect condition. In addition, our containers do not emit toxic substances, odors or flavors that interfere with the food.
SUPPORT THE CATERING INDUSTRY, comply with all the measures imposed because safety comes first, take your food home! and always remember to use recyclable ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING containers.